TEAM-UP pharma-logistics initiative launched

Alan Kennedy speaking about TEAM-UP at the IATA AirPharma conference

The TEAM-UP pharma-logistics initiative has been founded with the aim to improve corporate efficiencies, better overall sector performance and enhanced patient/user safety when it goes live in January 2017.

The initiative was announced at the International Air Transport Association AirPharma Conference in Brussels on 12 October and is modelled around supply chain models from other sectors. TEAM-UP was conceived as a hands-on, interactive community with all participants committing to following agreed collaborative principles, commitment to a programme of continuous collaborative improvement and all having access to a shared repository of collaborative tools, templates and advice.

TEAM-UP founder, Alan Kennedy says: “With the huge challenges it is facing, the pharmaceutical logistics sector faces a very uncertain future unless it is prepared to abandon its traditional silo thinking and practices in favour of a more collaborative approach.”

“The advent of the TEAM-UP integration framework will help accelerate the changes needed and open the doors to faster, more equitable, more systematic supply chain integration. There is no longer any excuse for inertia.”

TEAM-UP says it is an independent best-practice body not financed or representing interests of third party groups or vested-interests, and is a not-for-profit organisation run by, and for the sole benefit of its participants.