CDMP certificate for IBS Software iCargo platform


IBS Software has achieved Cargo Data Management Platform (CDMP) certification for its iCargo platform, allowing it to report directly to Cargo iQ.

The process to gain CDMP certification involved a preparatory phase followed by a pre-assessment phase, which included verification of test reports, and then a final assessment and formal audit conducted by SGS on behalf of Cargo iQ.

Ashok Rajan, senior vice president and head of cargo and logistics line of business at IBS says: “The CDMP certification reaffirms our commitment to the digital future of air freight and extends it to iCargo customers who have deployed the iCargo platform to better manage technology-driven business practices within global air freight.”

Ariaen Zimmerman, executive director of Cargo iQ says: “At Cargo iQ, our focus is on continually improving processes in air cargo by implementing quality standards for the benefit of the global air freight industry, and CDMP certification will allow IBS to deliver even more value through the iCargo platform.”